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  • Jenylee Pineda

Post Receiving Seismometers

We had an interesting day today at RSN. We woke up early today to see the information that we gathered last night and what we found was interesting. First, we had one group disassembling all the equipment from last night and putting them into a very organized order so the next time when we take the equipment out we will have it easily accessible for us to take it out again or any future cohorts that need help with setting up.

When one of the groups was trying to check the data if the seismometers worked last night the others were trying to see if the solar panel could charge the battery.

It worked out pretty well but figuring out how to load the data was another story. We spent most of the morning trying to convert files and working with a new program to see the data from the das.. which is kind of a downfall in science when there is no one there to help you, you have to count on yourself and the extent of your knowledge. We are very grateful that in the middle of our struggle Pnina, a coordinator in the Pascal training center had helped us through our struggle. At the end of the day we extracted data and we yet have to still figure out if it is consistent throughout all seismometers.

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