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  • Writer's pictureSarai Rodriguez

Monday at Lanamme

Now that we’ve been working at Lanamme for about 2 weeks we’ve gotten into a routine. We always try to leave the hotel by 8:45 am so that we can be in at work by 9 am and receive our visitors passes for the day. Then we usually talk to Paulo for a little bit about what that particular day or the upcoming week holds for us. All the work we’ve been doing so far has all been building up on each other so last week we were identifying landslides on Ruta 27 and now we’re organizing all the data we have into an easy to read excel spreadsheet. Things like area size, coordinates, description of the landslide, slope angles, geology, and why we marked it will all eventually be nicely displayed on the spreadsheet. We’re also using the surfer maps that we made earlier and overlaying the potential landslide areas that we marked over the top of it so that we can see if the slopes are dangerously steep in the marked areas.

Global Mapper software (left) and excel (right)

Surfer software displaying slope information overlayed with potential landslide hazards.

Today we also received Lanamme shirts and I’m looking forward to walking around the workplace with my uniform and visitors tag on!

No one told me I was looking like Alfalfa from the Little Rascals
Lanamme shirts

Last Wednesday Paulo took us to Cartago to sight see and we saw our first big landslide!

Landslide in Cartago

We saw amazing views of the mountains and it was a really peaceful and relaxing day.

Today we found out that we’re going to Cartago again because tomorrow we’re going to do field work on the Turrialba Volcano.

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